Friday, April 29, 2011
Week 10 Pics
Hi Everyone!
We are more than happy to post pics and share stories with you... but we have no idea who is actually coming to see them. When you get a chance - could you please leave a comment and say Hi!?
It's been a little slow this week picture wise, but Liam has been learning and growing a lot lately! He's almost mastered the holding his head up thing, and he has started standing like a champ. He LOVES to stand up after he eats. Big smiles and giggles. I actually had him 'walking' today. He is better taking steps with his left foot, than right so far. He's also starting to roll left, which gets him tangled in his play mat with the peacock and makes him kind of mad. Soon enough, we are going to have to clear a 'roll way' in the living room for him to master his craft.
Liam has been sleeping and eating like a big boy this past week too. He is now sleeping in his crib 1/2 to 2/3 of the night. Tonight we are going to try going to bed at 8pm, instead of 10 and we are going to have Daddy bottle feed his 4am wake up. Cross your fingers! Liam is also having a good nap (or 3) in the day. He sure does like his sleep time... and sure does let you know if he hasn't had enough!
Just today I went through Liam's clothes and he is now wearing the Carters 6mos sizes! I'd say most of that sizing has to do with his cloth diapers, but I also think he might be a little long for his age. Last check at the doctors he was 60cm. The 6mos sizes in other brands of clothes are still way too big though... weird how it varies so much in the brands. It's kind of good that he's sized up now - because his 6mos clothes are WAY cuter anyways!
Well, that's all I can think to share for now. Please do leave a comment and let us know you popped by!
We are more than happy to post pics and share stories with you... but we have no idea who is actually coming to see them. When you get a chance - could you please leave a comment and say Hi!?
It's been a little slow this week picture wise, but Liam has been learning and growing a lot lately! He's almost mastered the holding his head up thing, and he has started standing like a champ. He LOVES to stand up after he eats. Big smiles and giggles. I actually had him 'walking' today. He is better taking steps with his left foot, than right so far. He's also starting to roll left, which gets him tangled in his play mat with the peacock and makes him kind of mad. Soon enough, we are going to have to clear a 'roll way' in the living room for him to master his craft.
Liam has been sleeping and eating like a big boy this past week too. He is now sleeping in his crib 1/2 to 2/3 of the night. Tonight we are going to try going to bed at 8pm, instead of 10 and we are going to have Daddy bottle feed his 4am wake up. Cross your fingers! Liam is also having a good nap (or 3) in the day. He sure does like his sleep time... and sure does let you know if he hasn't had enough!
Just today I went through Liam's clothes and he is now wearing the Carters 6mos sizes! I'd say most of that sizing has to do with his cloth diapers, but I also think he might be a little long for his age. Last check at the doctors he was 60cm. The 6mos sizes in other brands of clothes are still way too big though... weird how it varies so much in the brands. It's kind of good that he's sized up now - because his 6mos clothes are WAY cuter anyways!
Well, that's all I can think to share for now. Please do leave a comment and let us know you popped by!
A visit from Pat and Tammy |
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Look at those eyes! |
Looking super cute |
Showing off his new gripping skills ... and facination with putting things in his mouth |
Celebrating Angel's Birthday |
Hanging with Great Cousin Mark |
It's Great Cousin's Mark and Angela and super cute cousin Alice! |
Liam has moved onto wanting to look out at people now, but it is so exciting that he usually promptly falls asleep minutes later. |
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Sushi! |
Friday, April 22, 2011
Week 9 Pics
So, it's been a slow week. We have all had a bit of a cold and we didnt get out and do much. I have added some pictures below done by my friend Amy who just loves taking baby photos. Most of them are bloopers. I have squandered away the very best ones for special occasions. Enjoy!
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Liam loving up Laurie at Maggie's birthday party |
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Liam taking a well deserved nap after watching 10 kids and a clown scurry around the room. He LOVES watching people |
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Sue trying to convince Sharna to make her a grandbaby. |
Liam being all shy after a month of courting Ayda. Ayda playing footsies. |
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How cute is he... like really! |
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I call this one Diva. |
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Yo! |
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Golden Slumbers *not Amy |
Yarrrr! *not Amy |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Well, according to my math - which is often wrong - we are coming up on week 10 of Liam's life.
Most of those weeks are a blur. Some of them have been documented well enough that I can piece the others together. (This blog isnt just for your enjoyment - it's to help Kev and I remember the early years - as we are told they fly by!) And then there is these past 2 weeks....
Liam is a whole new kid again. Just in the past 3 nights he has gone from waking every 2-3 hours to feed, to falling asleep around 10pm and waking up at 4am. Well, by waking up I really mean, me realizing he has been asleep that long and waking him up to make sure he is alive and then changing his diaper and feeding him so he will go back to sleep. I am working on the courage to just let him sleep through the night. Maybe next week.
The past few weeks Kev and I have been working on getting Liam to sleep in his own bed for 1/2 the night. So far so good. Infact it has been amazing. Absolutely no protest from Liam at all. (Knocking on wood as I write this). In another week or so, we will begin the transition to get Liam to sleep in his crib for the whole night. We will miss him sleeping next to us and waking up to him snuggled into our armpits - but alas he has outgrown the need to be at our side. Originally Liam would flare his arms out to touch us in the night and wimper like a lost puppy if he couldn't reach, but now he is just like another body in the bed fighting for space.
Add to this awesome achievement, Liam's new found talents and we have a far more entertaining and interesting little boy on our hands.
Last week - out of nowhere - Liam started reaching for the leaves on his swing. It's also the week he started smiling in a distinct 'not gas pains' kind of way. I am sure most of you watched this video - but incase you missed it... here is the link again.
Then today... well, for the last few days, Liam has been gripping things. Below is a video of him doing this - but I warn you, it was near the end of our 'toy time' before I got the camera out so, he is kind of loud and over-stimulated. I had to tape it in the mirror because Liam seems to 'play dead' whenever I hold a camera up to him... I thought this might work better.
Shake Rattle and Roll
Other fun things Liam has been doing is standing and sitting. Neither on his own, obviously. We are surpised how keen Liam is to do both. We were at a kids birthday party last weekend and all Liam wanted to do was watch the kids scurry around. He sat up for hours (assisted) and since then, it is his prefered position. Standing is something Liam likes to do after he feeds. Well, after a few big belches and a drool ofcourse.
So anyways, long story short.... Liam is growing up quick. Thank goodness we take an incredible amount of pictures and videos because these times are flying by!
Most of those weeks are a blur. Some of them have been documented well enough that I can piece the others together. (This blog isnt just for your enjoyment - it's to help Kev and I remember the early years - as we are told they fly by!) And then there is these past 2 weeks....
Liam is a whole new kid again. Just in the past 3 nights he has gone from waking every 2-3 hours to feed, to falling asleep around 10pm and waking up at 4am. Well, by waking up I really mean, me realizing he has been asleep that long and waking him up to make sure he is alive and then changing his diaper and feeding him so he will go back to sleep. I am working on the courage to just let him sleep through the night. Maybe next week.
The past few weeks Kev and I have been working on getting Liam to sleep in his own bed for 1/2 the night. So far so good. Infact it has been amazing. Absolutely no protest from Liam at all. (Knocking on wood as I write this). In another week or so, we will begin the transition to get Liam to sleep in his crib for the whole night. We will miss him sleeping next to us and waking up to him snuggled into our armpits - but alas he has outgrown the need to be at our side. Originally Liam would flare his arms out to touch us in the night and wimper like a lost puppy if he couldn't reach, but now he is just like another body in the bed fighting for space.
Add to this awesome achievement, Liam's new found talents and we have a far more entertaining and interesting little boy on our hands.
Last week - out of nowhere - Liam started reaching for the leaves on his swing. It's also the week he started smiling in a distinct 'not gas pains' kind of way. I am sure most of you watched this video - but incase you missed it... here is the link again.
Then today... well, for the last few days, Liam has been gripping things. Below is a video of him doing this - but I warn you, it was near the end of our 'toy time' before I got the camera out so, he is kind of loud and over-stimulated. I had to tape it in the mirror because Liam seems to 'play dead' whenever I hold a camera up to him... I thought this might work better.
Shake Rattle and Roll
Other fun things Liam has been doing is standing and sitting. Neither on his own, obviously. We are surpised how keen Liam is to do both. We were at a kids birthday party last weekend and all Liam wanted to do was watch the kids scurry around. He sat up for hours (assisted) and since then, it is his prefered position. Standing is something Liam likes to do after he feeds. Well, after a few big belches and a drool ofcourse.
So anyways, long story short.... Liam is growing up quick. Thank goodness we take an incredible amount of pictures and videos because these times are flying by!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Week 8 Pics
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Bath time! |
Liam makes some new friends at the mommy group |
Liam and Finley |
Euan and mommy Beth-Ann play with Liam |
Liam's new hat... it should fit by next winter. |
A visit from crazy Richard |
Hanging out with Turtle |
Family photo in the mirror Liam just discovered |
Taking a van ride. He loves to took at trees. |
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A visit with uncle Tyler |
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Here is a collection of short videos of Liam doing things that amuse me/him. I hope you are amused too...
For some reason the video uploader thing doesn't work on the blog anymore - so I had to link everything to You tube...
I Think Liam Hates Anne Murray
Liam Tells A Story
Liam Gets The Turtle
Waking The Giant
Dance Skeletor Dance!
For some reason the video uploader thing doesn't work on the blog anymore - so I had to link everything to You tube...
I Think Liam Hates Anne Murray
Liam Tells A Story
Liam Gets The Turtle
Waking The Giant
Dance Skeletor Dance!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Week 7 Pics
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Daddy reading Good Night Moon on the family bed |
Not loving his hat - not even a little. |
Loving the new shoes though! |
Sporting his Skeletor outfit |
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Fending off the snot monster by sleeping upright. |
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Mom and Dad's first dinner out. Liam slept until the food arrived. He didnt scream until the last 3 minutes of eating though - so that was good :) |
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Scout keeping the nursing chair warm at 4am |
Friday, April 1, 2011
Week 6 Pics
Well, another week has gone by and Liam seems to have become a new baby. He is sleeping reliably between 10pm and 7am with only 2 feeds in the night. He has started to babble, can almost roll over on his own and is becoming way more comfortable with being put down and not held all the time. He does however still enjoy his snuggles when Daddy gets home from work and in the morning with Mommy after his breakfast.
Liam and Mommy went shopping this week without Daddy and survived. The new wrap that Mommy made makes doing stuff SO much easier now. Liam goes in, snuggles tight and falls asleep until he is taken out. He got lots of 'oos and ahhs' at the grocery store from the old ladies and made friends with the bag boy while he helped us put the bags in the van.
Liam had his final visit with the MidWife Lisa and was weighing 10lbs 7oz and measuring 58cms. He is growing just right and has all the reflexes he should at this time. Lisa was super proud of us for geting him back to health and for making good choices like cloth diapering, breastfeeding, co-sleeping and baby wearing. Next week Liam meets our Doctor for the first time where we will talk about vaccines and why his right eye is always so goopy.
Here are some of the pictures from this week!
Liam and Mommy went shopping this week without Daddy and survived. The new wrap that Mommy made makes doing stuff SO much easier now. Liam goes in, snuggles tight and falls asleep until he is taken out. He got lots of 'oos and ahhs' at the grocery store from the old ladies and made friends with the bag boy while he helped us put the bags in the van.
Liam had his final visit with the MidWife Lisa and was weighing 10lbs 7oz and measuring 58cms. He is growing just right and has all the reflexes he should at this time. Lisa was super proud of us for geting him back to health and for making good choices like cloth diapering, breastfeeding, co-sleeping and baby wearing. Next week Liam meets our Doctor for the first time where we will talk about vaccines and why his right eye is always so goopy.
Here are some of the pictures from this week!
Hanging out in his chair |
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Snuggeling with Teddy on the blanket Great Aunt Marilyn made |
Rocking his new hat from Joanne |
Mr. Grumpy Face |
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The magic Wrap |
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Double trouble |
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Some boys snuggle Teddy Bears, or toy trucks.when they sleep... Liam snuggles boob |
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Noah kisses his new best bud. |
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