Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 9 Pics

Liam loving up Laurie at Maggie's birthday party

Liam taking a well deserved nap
after watching 10 kids and a clown scurry around the room. 
He LOVES watching people

Sue trying to convince Sharna to make her a grandbaby.

Liam being all shy after a month of courting Ayda.
Ayda playing footsies.
 So, it's been a slow week.  We have all had a bit of a cold and we didnt get out and do much.  I have added some pictures below done by my friend Amy who just loves taking baby photos.  Most of them are bloopers.  I have squandered away the very best ones for special occasions. Enjoy!
How cute is he... like really!

I call this one Diva.


Golden Slumbers
*not Amy

*not Amy

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